Water is by far one of the most abundant resources available to us on the planet; yet, in some places, it it profoundly difficult to acquire steady supplies like in California presently or difficult to provide clean water without harmful bacteria to live like in Africa. Great strides though are being accomplished now in California and in Africa with the water desalination efforts and the well efforts. We humans were made to be dependent on water; and Jesus uses the illustrations over and over in scripture to broadcast to our deepest need of thirst. A thirst that parallels no other. A thirst that only can be quenched by Another. A thirst that can only be validated when we surrender to our deepest need.
I love the lady at the well. This dear Samaritan came during the heat of the day to draw water probably because she was being ostracized by the folks of the day. There she had a divine appointment with Jesus. He willingly interacts with her even as societal rules condoned speaking with her. His interaction with her was: Beautiful. Kind. Compassionate. Attentive. Provocative. Inviting. After listening to her heart and offering Himself to her thirsty soul, He spoke truth into her heart. “You are right; you have no husband and the man you are living with is not your husband.” He further explained how He is the living Water; and He will quench this thirst she has for approval, for love, and for validation. Only this Water will suffice.
There’s the story in Luke of the storm with Jesus and His ragamuffin disciples on the water. Jesus, asleep, is awakened to their crisis. Their storm on the water. “Don’t you care?” “Do Something!” The waves were enormous; and their fear was even bigger. These men, although paralyzed by their fear, they knew to Whom to run. You know the story: He commanded the storm to cease; and the water became still.
Scripture is full of vivd illustrations of water. The parting of the Red Sea. The tears of the prostitute wiping Jesus’ feet. The baptism of Jesus. The cleansing power of tears. The calming of waves. The seeds being watered. The growth occurring because water was involved.
About seven years ago, this same Jesus turned my world upside down. Although I had been a believer for years and had seen fruitful years of ministry in college, Jesus wanted me to really see my need for Him, the Living Water. He orchestrated so much prior to that time. Broken dreams. Health scares. Yet, about this time, God sent a minister to our church for a grace conference. Under my breath, I remember asking God if He would work through this conference and show up as I shuffled the flier on my kitchen counter. The scriptures came alive in a new, fresh way that only made me realize the desert in which I had been functioning. This insight encouraged my heart to risk, dropping the act of being in control and surrendering to His work in my life.
What I continue to learn in life is the fact that life isn’t about me. Truly, His glory and His honor supersede any longing or desire that I may have. Certainly, I struggle big time with being congruent on the inside and the outside. Our nice Southern culture keeps others at bay, thus causing superficial and inauthentic relationships to be the norm rather that the exception. It’s way past time to quench our deepest longings with the Living Water. Let’s show up in the messy places of our lives and experience the growth that this Living Water provides. It’s when we dare to encounter this water that real growth occurs, that the roots are surely planted, and that the fruit is evident. How well are you reflecting the Living Water in your life right now?
Today, I’m not doing well. I have hid my heart from God by hiding in just the next thing that needed completion. My agenda is chopped full of good things like readying my kids for camp and readying myself for a 27th anniversary vacation; however, this day, I’ve barely stopped long enough to pray. To still my heart. To come to my Father. To listen to His words for me this day. Instead, my day as well as my last few weeks have been given to my husband and kids so much that I have not shown up with my voice. Codependency at its finest has reared its ugly head; and I desperately need to stop letting others define me. Do you ever base your day on how well you have been received by the world? By friends? By family? Is your joy dependent on the outside forces, or are you choosing to collapse on the grace of the Living Water?
Let’s run to the waterfall of His grace as He wants nothing more than to cleanse us, wash us, and remove our stains with His Grace. Jesus doesn’t even care how messy or dirty we are; He just longs for us to show up. Will you show up today?
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King regards,
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King regards,
Dinesen Griffin